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12-21-09 Ordinance Committee
George T. Ferguson, Chair
John Aurelia, Sr.
James S. Belden
Jeffrey A. Capeci
Mary Ann Jacob
Richard Woycik
3 Primrose Lane
Newtown, CT. 06470
Tel. (203) 270-4210

Legislative Council Ordinance Committee
Draft Minutes for Meeting of December 21, 2009

Attendees: John Aurelia, Jeff Capeci, George Ferguson (Chair), Mary Ann Jacob, Richard Woycik (Recorder pro tem), Pat Llodra (ex-officio)
Excused: James Belden
Press: John Voket

George Ferguson opened the meeting explaining that Council Chair Jeff Capeci had charged the Ordinance Committee with a review of the existing language and proposed revisions to the language and financial thresholds pertaining to review of Regulation 4, Chapter 90 of the Code of The Town of Newtown, regulating Newtown’s bidding procedures.  The existing and revised language were provided to the Council Chair by Town Attorney David Grogins.

It was agreed by the committee to consider the above referenced question as two separate items, “Language” and “Financial Threshold”.

The discussion regarding the “Financial Threshold” was deferred by unanimous consent pending receipt of the results of Bob Tait’s review of current practice by neighboring towns and his recommendation of an amount and rationale to the committee.

The discussion regarding the “Language” resulted in a motion by Mary Ann Jacob to revise the language to include the phrase “any/all” in the current regulation.  The motion was seconded by John Aurelia.

Further discussion resulted in a unanimous agreement that the “Language” portion of the discussion might benefit from further clarification from Town Attorney Grogins.  Concern was voiced that the proposed change might not fully protect the Town in the future.  Consequently, the motion and second offered by Mary Ann Jacob and John Aurelia were withdrawn by the respective individuals.

George Ferguson agreed to pursue the discussion with the appropriate persons and to determine what actions should be taken before the Committees next meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 7:45PM   The next meeting will be scheduled upon the return of Town Attorney Grogins sometime after January 7, 2010.